Radathorn Co.,ltd.


Request a Quote

To request a quote, please complete this form. We will respond within one business day. If you have a more urgent request, please call us at 02-7588030 for immediate assistance.


The VideoConference Store can help with your installation needs.  If you need on-site installation support, our installation experts will travel to any US location to install your video conferencing equipment and integrate it into your network.   Contact us for more details.


If you have a video conferencing solution that is not covered under a service contract and you would like to have coverage, please contact us.  We offer extended 1 year and 3-year warranties on many systems and  also offer manufacturer warranties on Polycom, Cisco and LifeSize systems.


The VideoConference Store specializes in repairs of Polycom, Tandberg and some Cisco video endpoints.  Our certified technicians will quickly assess your system to determine if and how the system can be repaired.  We make every effort to keep repair times short as we know these systems are important in your daily business.  Contact us with the details of your repair needs today!

Capital Improvements

Equipment leasing allows you to acquire the latest solutions at a manageable cost while remaining flexible as your technology needs grow over time. The VideoConference Store gives you the option to lease virtually any IT product, from computers and telephony equipment to software and servers, at rates and terms that work for you. Click here  for capital improvement information.